This planet of ours, the third rock from the sun, is beautiful.
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This planet of ours, the third rock from the sun, is beautiful. Take a million photos of all its diversity, and still one can’t do justice or capture its beauty in its entirety. The last two hundred years have seen a remarkable progress in human ingenuity and at the same time a significant downward trend in the planet’s vitality. The symptoms have been well documented, the after-effects plainly visibly in the atmosphere, the water cycles and the eco-systems.
The latest incarnation of the United States government is however of the view that the Paris Agreement (an agreement dealing with greenhouse gases emissions mitigation signed by 194 countries with an overall objective of reducing global warming) needs to be dismantled and the administration does not accept the scientific evidence that climate change is real.
The last decade has seen a healthy progress in climate awareness, with the message being generally accepted by government, industries and the masses. A strong, positive call to action has seen recruitment across the globe with consumption and investment patterns shifting to reflect the subscription to this notation. It will take decades along this path for actions to bear fruit.
Within the travel industry, properties, travel organisers and travellers alike have all embraced the need for conservation and efficient consumption, ensuring sustainability. As goes our role, we continue to showcase in our magazine the beauty of the planet and the diverse imaginations of cultures, taking all on travels around the planet, highlighting elements that are worth protecting.
This issue being our first edition for 2017, we set the tone for things to come this year with Definitive Destinations feature. This feature focuses on ten destinations that are essential in any travel connoisseur’s bucket list for the new year. Luxury, ongoing pursuits to delight travellers, access to uncommon experiences, new concept cuisine and designer suites are just some of the flavours of this feature. Greenland, Okinawa, Iceland and Havana aim to spice up the year. We also take a look at some of the best luxury wellness retreats globally and their uniqueness that enhances the overall experience where it counts.
2017 is all about progress and revitalisation. With this anthem firmly in mind, we wish you a Very Happy New Year!
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